Several social media platforms provide an avenue to allow different people to connect while sharing useful information. Using social media allows information to spread quickly to a target demographic while keeping them up-to-date about the latest news.

Twitter is a top social media application that hosts millions of people daily on its platform. Different opinions on different topics and expertise float through this platform, causing direct reactions on this medium.
Unfortunately, certain users are taking advantage of this freedom of speech to spread fake news that causes negative interactions with certain real-world occurrences. One such Twitter user is Igor Chudov.
As of June of 2022, Igor Chudov's Twitter handle has about 9,937 followers and counting. This page shares several pieces of fake news about a range of topics. On top of these topics are anti-vax news and its supposed side effects on people who receive them.
This Twitter handle shares different disinformation concerning COVID vaccination. In several of his posts, Igor paints different disinformative pictures of how COVID vaccines do not hinder the spread of COVID. He also suggests several other ways in which the COVID vaccine aids the rapid spread of COVID within different groups of people.
Aside from his Twitter page, where he shares most of his fake news, he also has a blog that paints wrong information with unverifiable data. On his Substack and Gettr channels, Igor explains why he thinks that COVID-19 vaccines are not effective with data from different sources.

Several articles on extension blogs like the one above are heavily anti-vax, citing different websites with unverifiable information. Several posts like the one above depict the efforts to curb the COVID-19 treatment as unfruitful and a general waste of time. Igor also reports that while COVID-19 cases persist, they go under-reported, which results in more people becoming sick.
Actions and Remedies from Twitter and Other Platforms
Earlier in the year, Twitter swung into action to remove fake news peddlers on its platform. Fortunately, Igor was one of the culprits under investigation. After several fact-checks for fake news on his platform, an ultimatum was set for the deletion of several tweets from his Twitter account.

While several of his tweets were removed for violating several of Twitter's policies, his accounts remain active with his disinformative tweets. For safety measures, Twitter advises its users on tweets from specific accounts that violate Twitter rules and WHO guidelines on COVID-19.